September has been a productive month for our Venditan Commerce Retail EPoS Development team. We have been working closely with Verifone, the international payment solution provider, to attain accreditation for our software as a thoroughly tested and certified supplier of the Verifone P400 integration.
Here, our Head of eCommerce and Retail Development, Michael Simcoe, talks about what that means for Venditan Commerce and the Retail Clients who use our in-store EPoS solution.
For many years the Verifone VX820 has been a common sight on the high street as a popular in-store card machine solution for many retailers. Since the advent of contactless, the VX820 has been a staple for retailers as it supported the new normal of contactless, Apple Pay and Google Pay transactions. Not anymore.
The VX820 is now heading for end-of-life, with Verifone slowing down production in Q2 and Q3 last year and halting production altogether in Q4 2019.
The VX820 had its problems, and I, for one, am celebrating that we can move on from the myriad of headaches it has given me over the years. With the lengthy initial setup times, connectivity issues and its reliance on the Ocius Sentinel software, it’s a surprise we’ve only now replaced it; at Venditan we’ve been working with the VX820 for over a decade.
So, what replaces this monolithic device? Enter, the P400, like a breath of fresh air.
The Ocius Sentinel software is now deployed directly on to the device, so no more installing this application separately on the EPoS. The Ocius Sentinel software handles the communication between EPoS and Verifone as middleware. With this, you greatly reduce the initial setup time as you don’t have to consider the OciusPEDKey used to authorise the Ocius Sentinel software with the PED. This means that Verifone provision the devices to work for you, the Serial Number is added to your account allowing the card machine to authenticate itself correctly once connected.
The VX820 needed to be connected directly to the POS so it could communicate with the Ocius Sentinel software effectively, and also trigger receipt printing to the set printer. With the P400 you have a few options for connectivity; wirelessly or ethernet. The solution is TCP/IP-based allowing Venditan Commerce Retail to communicate with the card machine via an IP address, connecting to both the operation port and status/progress port on this address. The POS now doesn’t care how the card machine is connected as long as it’s able to communicate on the IP address.

For Venditan, this allows us to provide a much more robust solution using the P400. We control the dialogue with the card machine meaning that any reaction to an action needs to be triggered by our software. We are alerted to every nuance and every status/progress message that the P400 can provide, allowing us to provide a better experience to the POS user. We know that EPoS solutions just need to work, your sales assistant doesn’t need or want to care about the card machine.
Life Support Extended
The VX820 was originally set for end-of-life on in April 2020, however, this has been extended due to the ongoing pandemic. The most recent updates have been that the VX820 will continue to be certified for the next year in the UK, by which point a new end-of-life date will have been set. This certification is governed mainly by Banks, who will pull their certification/compliance of the VX820 most likely due to the latest security considerations.
It is necessary to ensure that your EPoS can support a new device, that your EPoS integration with the new device is certified and that your solution has no impact on your employees and your customers. If you wish to continue to have an integrated solution using Verifone, it is a requirement that your solution is certified and fully tested by Verifone.
Our Verifone P400 integration has been fully tested and certified by Verifone and their Solutions Consultant Team, providing support for the following types of transaction:
- Cardholder Not Present
- Mail Order
- Telephone Order
- Contactless / Apple Pay / Google Pay
- Chip and PIN
- Swipe
- AVS Checks
- Refund
- Voice referral
- Signature requests
Final thoughts
Our EPoS systems have support for the industry-standard EPSON TM88 receipt printer range, meaning that Venditan Commerce Retail provides a complete, robust and integrated solution – strengthened by increased confidence in our card machine integration due to the P400.
Are you interested in seeing a demo of Venditan Commerce? Please, get in touch today.
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